My Stores On Zazzle And New Designs

I recently signed up for the Adobe cloud, so that is a major investment for me to start designing more and better designs.

I have worked on the several stores that I have, and some of them are doing well. Most notably the IlonaVintage store.

 The vintage designs are popular and I regularly sell small amounts of items such as tissue paper. Most of my sales, otherwise come from the main store, Ilonasgarden.

 I hope the new designs will go into 'Affirmative Girl' and 'Totally Ilona'.

 The Totally Ilona store is for all original art and photos, while the Affirmative Girl store is reserved for those creations that uplift and encourage. I have not made very many things for the other stores, there is one for baby gear, but it isn't populated with much of my work as yet.

Facebook Zazzle Work Page

Facebook is the place where I post what is selling, soon after I get an order. Sometimes new designs and products are posted and I have plans to also put up the latest coupons.

Once I get some posts going here, that too will add to the mix.

If you chance upon this page, why not visit and "like" the facebook page to keep abreast of things?
